Comparing and Diffing Objects in Go Tests
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Comparing reflect.DeepEqual, deep.Equal and cmp.Diff.
Navigating Git Branches with FZF
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
I ❤️ FZF. Use it for all sorts of things like jumping around directories, code projects, and so on. Today while trying to change git branches I got really annoyed that I didn’t have anything like it for git.
A Question about Go Error Formatting
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
On a code review a coworker left me the following comment: return fmt.Errorf("Error %s: %v", thing, err) …more
Better living with Markdown Tables
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
I write a lot of markdown. Something I often end up wanting is markdown tables, especially when I am commenting on or creating pull requests on github.com. Sadly the process of making markdown tables is oddly annoying. Especially if you want to make the formatted nicely. There are tools that can do this for you. pandoc being the big one. That said pandoc is a swiss army knife of tools. It can do just about everything and anything.…more
Blogging with Hugo
Friday, April 17, 2020
I had the desire to setup a website the other day. This lead me to looking into static blogs again which lead to me to hugo. Here is the short guide to how I set it all up. I wanted to keep the version of the hugo runtime checked into git. I know from past experience that go modules have the capability to do this, if you use go run from within the directory.…more